Hertiage Cabo Tomatoes
Cabo Tomatoes is a Social Networking Group of Women living in Cabo San Lucas and San José del Cabo.

The Cabo Tomatoes started one afternoon in the Pedregal with a small cocktail party and everyone had just a great time we decided to do it again in 2 weeks that was in 1992.

Heritage Vetegables are having a come back for comsumers and the definitions fits the original gals.

"Heritage Tomatoes are the original tomatoes.  Heritage vegetables are old, open-pollinated cultivars and have a reputation for being high quality and easy to grow. 

"When heritage gardeners refer to open-pollination, they mean that a particular cultivar can be grown from seed and will come back "true to type." In other words, the next generation will look just like its parent. .

The best of the heritage really are wonderful. They have it all. They taste wonderful, look beautiful, and are easy to grow. No doubt about it, these varieties are terrific.

Finally, heritages can be quirky. Seeds may germinate slower than their modern counterparts, or they may straggle in erratically. Some may pop up after you've given up on them. As they grow, some heritage have traits that are downright strange. For example, I once grew an heritage variety that seemed to tip its crown upside down until it had six or so true leaves. Then it turned right-side up and grew just fine. Other old plants will do similarly wacky things."

What better describes the Cabo Tomaotes "true to type, wonderful, beautiful, easy, strange, quirky and wacky. Enter our site and enjoy